Reflective Essay Outline Structure

Do not confused reaction paper with reflective essay. Although both entails personal opinions on various topics, reflective essays is about writing a reflection on how topics, subjects, and issues affected your personality, thought process, and outlook in life. It focuses on the writer’s personal experience. Writing a reflective essay can be easy and hard at the same time. It is easy because you will depend on how you view yourself in so far as your essay topic is concerned. Especially, when it requres a solid critical thinking and analysis to ensure a premium quality, just like synthesis essay does. In this case, can get you started in writing your reflective essay should you need a professional help.
To begin writing your reflective essay, you can use an outline to guide you through the writing process and save you some time to do your other school assignments. Basically speaking, a reflective essay is divided into three parts: your introduction, the body of your essay, and the concluding part.

Introduction – You have to provide a brief statement of the central and controlling idea of your topic. Make sure that you clearly convey what the essay is all about. It should be brief and concise because, remember, you will expound on your thesis statement in the body of your essay.

Body – This is where you will outline the various supporting ideas you have. Create a chronology of events that will lead you to the controlling idea of your thesis. Tell a story as to why you arrive at your reflective essay’s proposition.

Conclusion – Your conclusion should focus on the impact of the topic in your life. Create a summary of the lessons learned and thoughts formed in the process. Also, provide a summary of your central ideas and main points in this part of your essay.
Before you start writing your essay and apply those tips mentioned above, it would be great if you will start with organizing your ideas first. There can never be more effective writer than an organized one. Therefore, an outline is very important. In doing so, you have to:
- Create an outline first before starting with the writing process. In this way, you will have a bigger chance of lay outing the exact direction of your paper. You will also have the power of using every detail of your research the way you want to use it. Once you have the outline, you can organize your paper and the ideas will flow smoothly. Because of an outline, you will have a guide or shall we say a road map to follow while completing your reflective essay.
- When making your outline, you can choose between the two different types of outline including the sentence outline and the topic outline. The sentence outline is written in complete sentences while the topic outline is written using short description of your desired topic and written in bulleted forms.
- Do no sway away from your outline. The outline will be your guide in completing a comprehensive and coherent reflective essay.
Contact us now so we can start writing your reflective essay. We know that it must be organized, well written and must contain an in-depth analysis of the topic and main points. can easily create a personalized outline for your reflective essay and makes writing easier for you.