How to Write Dissertation Abstracts
Writing the dissertation abstract is one of the most important aspects of the research writing process. It serves as a summary of the research that you conducted to present this material in a clear manner to attract the attention of readers. When researchers are looking through peer-reviewed literature to determine what types of research they want to include in their studies, they scan through the abstract prior to reading the study itself. Typically, if these individuals do not see the information they need in the abstract, they will not move on to reading the main article.
What information should you include in your dissertation abstract?
Elements of your dissertation – when writing your dissertation abstract, no matter whether for bussiness or social studies paper, make sure to include the element of introduction, the research question, hypothesis, procedure, results, and conclusion to provide your readers with an abstract that could be quickly scanned through to give them the information they need.
Purpose – when writing a dissertation abstract, always remember that the purpose of it is to ensure that when the audience read it, they do not have to read the whole dissertation to understand what it is all about.
Helpful tips for an excellent dissertation abstract:
It is vital that you present your thesis in a way that will capture the interest of other people.
- Know the problem and the research solution – At the beginning; your abstract must identify the subject of the dissertation and how you research and work for the solutions. This can be done in one or two sentences. It should be brief yet clear, because readers are interested to know the problem immediately.
- Be mindful of the word count – A dissertation abstract has no more than 250 words. In writing the abstract stick to the word count. Do not over summarize. You must maximize the 250 words allotted to it, if possible. Choose words that will exactly represent your research methods and results.
- Mention the significance of your research – After stating the problem, you should include why your dissertation is important. The readers would like to know the implications of your research to them. There might be another researcher who needs your dissertation. exists to help you create an ideal abstract that will meet the standards of your dissertation requirements. Together, we will ensure that you have a perfect dissertation to help you earn your degree.